The Product Support link connects you to a Web page that brings together a comprehensive
menu of support resources that business people need. From this Web page, you can accomplish
these tasks and more:
Find a list of HP products at one site: desktops, workstations, servers, storage devices,
printer, scanners, digital imaging, and mobile devices.
Obtain technical support. Solve a problem; find information to set up, install, and configure
your product; discover and use a product; maintain your product; upgrade and migrate your
product software and driver; and recycle products or dispose of them correctly.
Gain access to self-solve resources such as FAQs, user documentation, features and
specifications, and product compatibility information.
Collaborate with HP and with your peers through discussion groups, e-mail support, and
phone support.
Use task-based navigation to identify the task area that you want to work on and quickly
discover related topics and tools.
In addition, you can find these features: hot topics, a subscription center, product rebate offers
and other announcements, and training and education opportunities.

38 Using the Other Links as a resource